There is something hidden inside the heart of every human that says, “I would rather live in courage than die in unbelief.” We were never made to live in fear or doubt. Rather, we were created by God to live full of courage, faith, and boldness.
Today, we want to highlight a message from Bill Johnson that is featured in our BSSM Video Curriculum. In this clip, Bill talks about the power of courage. He shares that extravagant breakthrough is available for those who will let go of fear and embrace courage in their lives: courage to rise up in impossible situations, courage to fight when you feel like quitting, and courage to die for what you believe in.
Bill says that “Extreme courage in you will flush out the compromise in other people.” What a good word! As you choose to live a courageous lifestyle, you will inspire people and remind them of what they’re made for. Rumors of your courage, passion, and refusal to give up will be a powerful inspiration to those who have lost their hope and vision for life. Your courage will change the world!
Enjoy this clip from Bill and may you be inspired to take hold of courage in this season, knowing it will produce profound fruit both in your own life and in the lives of those around you.
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