How does God change a city? Through sons and daughters of the living God rising up, knowing who they are, and taking their rightful place as kingdom heirs, causing the kingdoms of this world to become the kingdoms of our God (Rev. 11:15). This is the message of revival, and this is the message of London School of Supernatural Ministry (LSSM).
LSSM is located in the heart of London, surrounded by gems such as the Royal London Hospital, the Bank of England, and the city’s largest mosque. What a strategic place to minister and expand the kingdom of God! As they carry the presence and light of our King Jesus, LSSM’s leaders and students are seeing revival break out in one of the most diverse and multicultural cities in the world.
They have seen growth in their city’s economy following prophetic declarations, people accept Jesus in the Supreme Court, and Muslims regularly healed and saved. Also, they have had countless opportunities to bless, encourage ,and prophesy over people in the House of Lords, British media, embassies, and the Masonic Temple.
We are thrilled to have the head leader of LSSM, Lauren Crook, share powerful testimonies and insight from leading a school of supernatural ministry! As you read her school’s story, we pray that you would receive inspiration and impartation to continue to raise up sons and daughters of God who carry God’s transforming power and love.
School is Family
We build family in our school through a culture of honor, love, and grace brought about by healthy communication and confrontation. Our team can tell you from experience, and lots of it, that confrontation done well really does lead to greater intimacy and connection with each other. We believe that if our aim is love, we can’t go wrong.
More often than not, the feedback that we get from visitors is that they want to come and be a part of what we’re doing because they see how we love, support, and encourage each other. We intentionally lay aside time to invest in our team. After all, how can we expect to have a heart of love towards our students, guests, and those we meet if we can’t truly love those closest to us.
If we want to see increase in our street ministry and in signs and wonders, we believe we need to get back to the basics and simply love the person in front of us. Some of the ways that we do this is through celebrating each other, valuing others’ ideas and thoughts, even when they’re different from our own.
People watch our interactions more than we are aware. Therefore, it’s important to ask ourselves, “What are we demonstrating to those around us through the way we love one another, support one another, and choose connection over agreement? What can be said about a team that fights to love above all else?”
I want it to be said of my team that we demonstrated the heart of The Father, that we covered each other’s weaknesses, empowered one another’s strengths, and truly drove out all fear.
You Are Strategically Placed
When we moved from Westminster (central London) to Aldgate East (east London), we had no idea just how God was going to use us. We are situated in a largely Muslim area and we consider that our privilege–our school is even above a mosque! From the outset, we knew that we wanted to serve and love our local community.
We visit local businesses weekly and demonstrate the love of Jesus through buying their products, treating them with flowers, sharing prophetic words, bringing healing, and more. Every time we walk past a mosque, we love standing on the steps and releasing joy, love, and dreams of Jesus to everyone that comes by. We believe that one of our purposes in being here is that God is going to bring revival through these local Muslims as they are transformed by the revelation of Jesus.
One of our biggest evangelists is a Muslim shop owner a couple of doors down from us. He has been healed by Jesus a couple of times. Now, whenever we go into his shop, he literally stops everything and asks his customers if anyone is sick. He tells them,
“The Christians are here! If you are sick, they will pray for you, and you will get healed!”
On one particular occasion, a gentleman approached us and asked to chat. He explained that he had been having dreams of a man in white who he believed to be Jesus. We explained the gospel to him and he gave his life to Jesus. It’s extraordinary that a Muslim man inadvertently evangelizing Jesus leads the way for another Muslim man to give his life to Jesus!
There really are countless stories of how Papa God is revealing Himself to Muslims. We know that He is going to do a mighty work through them. As we walk the streets, being love to those around us, we constantly see people, especially Muslims, get healed. We have seen blind eyes open, deaf ears hear, arthritic bones made new, legs grow, backs healed, and the list goes on.
You have been strategically placed by God in your city as well! You are where you are for a reason. I encourage you to start chatting to the local shop owners and businesses in your city, and ask how you can serve them, and watch God powerfully move.
Declarations & Intercession
We are discovering the power that comes when we intercede and declare breakthrough over new ministry locations. The fun thing is that God lets us be as creative when it comes to intercession.
When we declare things, it changes the atmosphere and environment around us.
When we sense Holy Spirit leading us to minister to an area where we have never ministered before, it can often be a scary experience–no home-comforts anymore! Last year, we felt that we were to start praying for people inside Liverpool Street Station and so three of us went to scout it out. As we walked up and down the station full of people rushing about, it was easy for us to feel claustrophobic, small, and fearful. We noticed that we had slowly been giving into the fear of man as we cautiously looked across the station.
Once we realized what was happening, we decided to laugh out loud. We felt Papa say to us that He wanted us to play a game called “Bogies,” where each successive person has to say, yell, or scream the word “bogies” louder than the last!
We played this game, but substituted the word “bogies” for “healing.” So there we were, walking through the station screaming, “Healing” at the top of our lungs, and laughing like hyenas. As we did that, we released healing and the joy of the Lord over the station; we broke off the fear of man!
The next time we went back to Liverpool Street Station, we saw many people get healed and saved. In fact, we have seen people saved and healed every single time we have been there. During one of our visits, a couple of our students started a conversation with one of the cleaners and prayed for healing in his back and hips. He was totally healed (see video below)!
The breakthrough we experienced at the station demonstrated to us that we can be creative in our intercession and that our declarations have power. You too can be creative about how you declare and intercede! My prayer is that you would be encouraged through hearing these stories and hearing what God is teaching us as a school.
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