Miracles, signs, and wonders are the evidence of the power and love of the Holy Spirit at work in and through our lives. In John 14, Jesus said that when we believe, we would walk in greater miracles, signs, and wonders than He demonstrated upon the earth that reveal the goodness of the Father! So how can we tap into the greater measures of His wonder-working power and cultivate a supernatural environment?
One of the greatest keys to partnering with the Holy Spirit to create an environment that attracts heaven is to tap into the power of the testimony! As you continue to read, we want to encourage you to cultivate a school culture that celebrates and imparts the good news of Jesus and His power. As you intentionally testify of God’s goodness, you will receive an increased outpouring of His Spirit in your school community and beyond.
God Is Always Ready to Move Again
Every time we share a testimony of an encounter with the power and love of God, we make room for His Spirit to move again! Revelation 19:10 tells us that the testimony of Jesus is “the spirit of prophecy.” As we testify of Jesus’ nature being openly displayed, we prophesy to the environment around us that He desires to reveal His nature again! In fact, our testimony releases an anointing in the atmosphere for a miracle to be duplicated in that very moment. Bill Johnson says that,
“The wonderful power of the testimony is in the fact that a story about God carries the presence of God. He is powerfully released into the atmosphere in a way that is new and refreshing for all who hear—who truly hear.”
If you desire to create an atmosphere in your school that attracts the heavenly realm, we encourage you to continually testify of encounters with His goodness! Whether it is sharing a testimony of healing, financial breakthrough, or an encounter with His unconditional love, create time in your school schedule for your leaders and students to share. When you carve out that time for your school community to prophesy into the atmosphere that God is good and ready to touch individuals, He will reveal His presence again!
God is not confined to showing up only when you share about what’s happened in your own environment. He shows up when we release others’ testimonies too. If there are areas of breakthrough that you want to experience, don’t be afraid to share others’ testimonies. God loves it when we brag about what He has done! Grab a hold of other schools’ testimonies through the resources listed below:
- BSSM School Planting Facebook or Instagram page
- Bethel TV Testimonies page
- BSSM Increase testimony books
Set Up Your Students to Testify Powerfully
To develop a supernatural environment in your school with good news, we encourage you to model what it looks like to share and impart a testimony! When you demonstrate and communicate the best practices for sharing, you will set up your students to powerfully testify of how He is at work in their lives. Below are some practical tips to sharing a testimony that you can discuss with your students.
- Keep it brief and answer the questions, Who? What? Where? When? Why? Make sure to find out how long the condition or circumstance occurred.
- Be specific! Instead of sharing, “Her leg was healed,” share all of the details so that listeners can grasp the fullness of what God did. For example, “Suzy got into a car accident five years ago and broke her tibia in half. She had to have surgery, which required five metal screws. She walked with a slight limp and pain where the screws were placed. When I prayed for her, the pain left and she can now walk without a limp!”
- Explain how someone encountered the Holy Spirit. For instance, rather than saying someone “manifested,” share what that looked like. Did the person laugh, fall down and come up changed? Did he/she feel heat or tingling? Was he/she crying?
- Remember to honor the person you are sharing about. In fact, share your testimony as if the person is in the room. Also, it is important not to share his/her name unless you have permission. If you ministered to someone who is influential, you do not want to share his/her name publicly or certain details about the person’s life. Be someone that God can man can trust with secrets!
- Give Jesus the honor and glory for what He did!
- Pray for that same miraculous breakthrough to be released again! As soon as you share your testimony, invite listeners test out their condition or follow up with you about a circumstance. Something always happens when we pray!
We also encourage you to make room to activate your students! As they share how God is showing up in their lives (e.g. finances, families, work, etc.), your school community will grow in the revelation of His desire to reveal Himself through miracles, signs, and wonders.
Also, there will always be more to share than what there is time for, so create a place where your students can share all of what God is doing. You will be surprised how many you will miss if you only track the testimonies shared in school. Below are a few ways you can make room for your students to spread good news during school or throughout the week:
- Corporate Meetings: Invite your students to share testimonies during school, connection group meetings, retreat, or during other school gatherings. The release of these good reports will create a corporate breakthrough in your school environment!
- Social Media: Create a Facebook group or Instagram account where your students can post testimonies throughout the week! This will help them stay connected and encouraged as they partner with the Holy Spirit day to day. You can also share testimonies through a school website, which is a powerful way to spread the word about how God is moving through your school.
- Messaging App: Sign up for a free messaging app such as Slack App or WhatsApp. Invite your students to join and share how God is on the move! Again, this will help your students remain connected throughout the week, and a great means to share and impart testimonies!
There’s No End to the Good News Ripple
Lastly, we want to encourage you with a powerful testimony from a student that attends Mexico School of Supernatural Ministry (mxssm)! It is extraordinary how the story of this student’s knee being healed led to many other encounters with God’s healing power.
We share this testimony to remind you that when we testify of His kindness, there is a powerful ripple effect! And we have no idea how far the ripple of a testimony will stretch to transform the lives around us because there is truly no end to the revelation of His goodness.
After being healed of knee pain during a school worship night, one of our students received the courage to pray for her father that experienced short-sightedness. He is a doctor who lost over 50 percent of his sight. He didn’t want any prayer because he didn’t believe God could heal. When the student prayed for her father, he was completely healed! He doesn’t have to use glasses anymore. Also, the student works at a Christian school and shared the testimony of her knee being healed with her coworker that suffered from knee pain. The student prayed for her coworker who was immediately healed and told the rest of the staff. As a result, a line of people wanted prayer! Several of them also received healing! – Student at mxssm
We pray your students would be filled with the same courage and boldness to testify of His kindness demonstrated in their lives! As they share testimonies, we pray that your school environment will receive greater measures of His Spirit.
If you are hungry for more revelation about the power of testimonies, we encourage you to watch this clip from Bill Johnson. May every spiritual blessing in heaven be imparted to you and your school community!
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