3 Aspects of Your Environment That Affect Leadership Development


Raising up leaders is one of the goals within a supernatural school of ministry. We encourage you to watch this clip of Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton as they discuss three components of a school culture that guide them as they develop others. Healthy Soil Think of school like a greenhouse. As Bill mentions, work…

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3 Keys to Pastoring Students in Revival

School Leadership Videos

Pastoring students in a school of supernatural ministry can be complex. Given the accelerated nature of a school environment and the increased amount of time spent going deep with students, there are always obstacles to face as a pastor. A question we frequently receive from school leaders is, “How do I pastor my students in revival?”…

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3 Tips for Administrators Who Serve a Visionary

School Leadership Videos

We can’t change the world without visionaries! Visionaries carry God-sized dreams that release the kingdom upon the earth. And for every school of supernatural ministry, there is most certainly a visionary who has a dream to see people transformed by equipping them to walk in the fullness of their anointing, gifts, and callings. To accomplish…

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Apostleship: The New Shift in Ministry Leadership

School Culture Videos

God is doing something great in this hour! The Church is rising up like never before to shine the glory and goodness of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 60:1-2) and nations are being transformed as the Good News is proclaimed that Jesus is alive. He has made a way for us to experience heaven on earth! The…

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4 Powerful Tips to Discuss the Word

School Culture Videos

Students experience tremendous growth as they spend time in God’s Word! Studying the Bible illuminates new revelation, changing students’ mindsets and strengthening their faith. By the end of the school year, they are walking in new levels of understanding and often eager to share what they have seen and learned through Scripture. At BSSM, we…

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How to Help Students Fall in Love with the Word

School Leadership Videos

This content was adapted from a teaching session by BSSM Third Year Overseer, Jared Neusch, which has been included at the bottom of this post. One of the most important things you can do as a school leader is help your students develop a passion and love for the Word of God! The Bible is…

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School Leaders Revival Chat with Carrie & Libby

School Leadership Videos

BSSM revival group pastors, Libby Gordon and Carrie Lloyd, joined us on our latest School Leaders Revival Chat. Along with Janelle, they shared powerful prophetic words, imparted testimonies of supernatural breakthrough, and released wisdom on how to develop and pastor powerful leaders. As you read this post, we pray you would encounter the Holy Spirit who…

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Converge Highlight: The Presence & Ministry of the Holy Spirit


A Word from Mark Brookes How important is the presence of the Holy Spirit in a school of supernatural ministry? Essential! People will come to your school seeking encounters with God. The Holy Spirit will satisfy the hunger in them, filling them with love, joy, peace, and power. He will sustain revival in your school!…

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Converge Highlight: Creating a Culture for Powerful Leaders


A Word from Dann Farrelly BSSM Dean, Dann Farrelly, is one of our favorite teachers. Last year at our Converge School Leaders Training, he shared incredible insight into building a team culture for powerful leaders. According to Dann, building a culture for powerful leaders starts with choosing people who have a capacity for love, loyalty, and…

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School Leaders Revival Chat with Angelo Jeanpierre

School Leadership Videos

Through schools of supernatural ministry, students can be trained to impact the world around them! By providing outreach opportunities, they can learn how to share the gospel, minister with the power of the Holy Spirit, and release the transforming love of God. We invited BSSM Outreach Pastor, Angelo Jeanpierre, to share his insight on how…

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