Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry is an incredible place led by incredible people, some with 20+ years of experience. But we know that we haven’t seen everything. Many schools are running or launching in places we don’t have firsthand experience of. When we help others start their own schools, we rely on our relationships with outside leaders. These leaders give us a fuller picture of what students need and how schools deal with cultural differences. In this post we want to highlight what resources are available to connect you to other school leaders!
BSSM School Planting hopes to connect you, not just to our team, but to each other. Knowing what’s happening in schools around the world can be encouraging, and give you ideas for challenges you’re facing. In turn, sharing your own testimonies can encourage others and show them how God is moving.
Our dream is not that you would get to know every leader out there, but that you’d find common ground with people who are pioneering schools just like you. We want you to know it is not just BSSM School Planting cheering you on. Those around the world are also with you, building schools that are changing students, families, and cities alongside you.
Kris Vallotton calls relationship “the secret sauce at Bethel.” He and others know it’s not a perfect plan that will get you through, but the faithfulness, kindness, and the strength of God and others. Some connections can be life-long, some may only be for a season or a specific stage of school planting. Your team and your community at home should always be your first priority. But a community of leaders will lend you a unique perspective that few others can.
Whatever relationships you develop in the network of schools are up to you. It could be with our team, others in your region, or others at the same stage of planting a school. We want you to find connection and helpful perspective that lets you know you have what it takes.
BSSM School Planting offers a variety of resources to get you connected with us and other leaders. Feel free to use any or all of them, and let us know how they’ve helped you!
The Map of Schools
Let others know you exist! This is a world map, hosted by Global Legacy, that school leaders all over the world can contribute to. You can check out the map for your area, and see if there are any schools nearby you may not know about. You’re also welcome to create a Global Legacy profile and add yourself to the map.
Note: We try our best to keep information accurate, but there may be be schools on the map that no longer exist or have outdated information.
Our Facebook page and Instagram profile
We post regularly about resources, testimonies, and events. We also host live interviews with BSSM staff on Facebook. If you’re on Facebook or Instagram, these are great resources to give you ideas and show you what kind of possibilities are out there!
Zoom Calls
Each month, we host an hour-long video call on the Zoom app with school leaders from around the world. Each session is an interview, followed by time for questions and discussion. You’re invited to listen in, and join the conversation! Simply click the link that we send out in our newsletter, and post on social media. You don’t need a Zoom account to participate.
Our Annual Converge School Leaders Training
For three years, we’ve hosted school leaders and those hoping to start a school at our training in Redding! For an individual or team wanting to start a school, this is the best way to get a taste of BSSM, the BSSM School Planting world, and ask every question you have. There will be teaching, ministry, worship, connect time with BSSM staff and other school leaders. There’s also the opportunity to experience the BSSM environment mid-school year. This year’s training is February 11-15, 2019, and registration is open now!
School Leader Gatherings
If you are in Redding for the Bethel Leaders Advance in April, or the Leaders Conference in October, we want to see you! Our School Leaders Gatherings happen at each of these conferences. We love to chat with leaders both familiar and new, and learn about what’s going on in your part of the world. This is an informal gathering that allows you to connect with our team and meet other school leaders from around the world. Check our website or watch out for our newsletters to see when and where these are happening.
We hope these resources are a valuable asset to you. Our prayer for you is that you find great connections in Divine appointments through these resources. We hope you find new ideas and encouragement by engaging with other leaders!
I find that as leaders, they are unaproachable by outsiders. I know Jesus was thronged by so many and He had His desciples round about Him; however I do see Him receiving the individuals as well as the crowds. I also see the ones who cry out to get His attention,and the ones who sneak up behind Him just to touch Him. I think I want to be just like Him.