Academic Life
We emphasize hands on training and experience along with academic understanding. This creates a “teach and do” culture where all students are expected to take risks to stretch their faith and grow in their understanding of God. We believe that each verse of the Bible is an invitation into an experience with the Lord. Students are challenged to live the New Testament. This produces a class environment where disciples practice the things they are being taught while instructors coach the process and all this takes place in a setting of passionate worship.
School is Full Time
Though in-class hours are Monday through Thursday 10:30–3:45 or 12:30-5:30, the school is considered to be full-time, five days a week, minimum. The class hours are learning opportunities with the instructors but they are just a small part of the learning experience. The other hours consist of learning through homework, reading, attending services, serving on ministry teams, soaking and prayer times of personal devotion, living the supernatural lifestyle in an honorable way at work, and more.
Not For the Faint of Heart
BSSM is not for the faint of heart or lazy. It is an extremely fast-paced season of schooling, but the training is pivotal and strategic. We believe the intensity soon translates into “becoming”; things that are at first foreign and done out of duty gradually become second nature as students move from merely echoing a message to becoming a message.
We are excited to have you join us on a lifelong journey to see the King glorified in every single part of culture and society and to experience a life where the things that were impossible now become normal!