Revivalist Lifestyle
A revivalist is a believer who is focused and passionate, willing to pay any price to live in community, purity, and power, transforming lives and cultures because they are loved by God and love Him. Our mission at BSSM is to develop the revivalist within you.
Learning from the outside in
We aim to establish a healthy lifestyle and culture within you. The following is a practical expression of choices and behaviors that flow from your core mission of becoming a revivalist. We have found them very helpful in creating an atmosphere that advances the Kingdom. These are the characteristics of a revivalist.
We expect you to grow in the truth, come to love it, deeply enjoy its value to save and transform, and ultimately, to radically live it.
Peter McWilliams truthfully states, “You can have anything you want, but you can’t have everything you want.” Focus is key in accomplishing all that God has called you to become.
When we are passionate about something, our whole being is engaged. As you love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, you will tap into His passion for yourself, His Church, and the lost.
Willing to Pay Any Price
BSSM is not just a “Monday through Thursday” school. Rather it’s an eight-month training center and it costs far more than money to attend here. We are dedicated to raising up the ones who are willing to pay this price.
We are not our own; we have been bought with a price and placed in a family and our behavior deeply affects others. Community is one of God’s most powerful tools for changing us into His likeness.
The Lord asks us to walk in purity because it is life giving. BSSM’s environment of freedom requires a high level of connection to God and community along with self-management.
The Good News without power is not good news. Paul was glad that his preaching wasn’t with persuasive words but demonstrations of power (I Cor. 2). One of our goals is that every student would know how to cast out demons, heal the sick, and preach the Gospel.
Loved by Him
“We work from love, not for love.” —Kris Vallotton. Let the primary focus of your life be to fall more in love with Jesus with each passing day.
Transforms Lives & Cultures
Jesus has called us to go into the nations and be the salt and the light of the world. Learn to reproduce yourself by “teaching [others] to obey everything Jesus Christ has commanded us” (Matt. 28). Like Paul says, “Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ.”
You can download the full Revivalist Lifestyle from our BSSM Student Handbook.