Revival Isn’t Out of Reach.
Do you want to leave your mark on the world, yet struggle to see the same power Jesus walked in activated in your own life? Do you feel called to impact people inside and outside of the Church, but don’t know how to influence the culture around you? Is your heart longing to belong to a community that’s pursuing revival?
No matter where you live, we believe you have access to the Kingdom of Heaven.
For years we’ve dreamt about how we can help people all over the world walk in their God-given identity and authority. This is why we created our newest program: Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry Online, BSSM’s first-ever online learning experience. BSSM Online is a unique school designed to work around your schedule and your location, to equip you to walk in the gifts of the Spirit, and release kingdom culture within your home and community.
Apply now! We have two enrollments that you can apply for — Fall and Winter.
Get started in September 2025.
The next round of BSSM Online classes is just around the corner! There isn’t a more opportune moment than now for you to see the Kingdom of God advance into your world.
Be Transformed

Experience personal transformation through the presence of God. Powerful teachings, live worship, and online Revival Groups aim to develop your character so you leave school healthy, whole, healed, free, and empowered.

Activate supernatural ministry in your city, in real-time. Get online teaching, activation, and a Biblical understanding of the Kingdom of God. Then implement what you’re learning into your daily life and local church.

Our online school is designed to work around your schedule and your location. Join classes Live or On-Demand, and access your curriculum on any smart device, from wherever you are.
We’re ready to take the Kingdom further, with you.
We’ve spent the last 20 years equipping revivalists in our on-campus school in Redding, California, and we’re bringing that same passion and expertise directly to your home.

What to expect
You are called to shape history, born to impact the world, and created to leave a legacy. This is the heart of a revivalist—a deep-down desire to partner with God in the story He is writing on the earth.
At BSSM Online, our desire is to raise up the revivalist in you. Our students experience radical, personal transformation and growth that leads them to become walking encounters with God in all parts of their lives. We’re expecting the same for you.
Our school is not just for those in full-time ministry. We know that every follower of Jesus is called to be a minister of God, so we’re passionate about God’s presence being carried to all spheres of influence! So whether you have just finished school, are pursuing a career you love, or you’re a stay at home parent, BSSM Online is your ministry school experience, tailored to be relevant to you and applicable to your daily life.
Wondering what online ministry school will practically look like?
BSSM Online can be completed right in your home. Weekly academic rhythms include:
Core Teachings
A well-rounded curriculum of Bible classes and interactive supernatural ministry training from Bethel Leaders and guest speakers
Weekly Revival Group and Small Groups are intentional times to connect with like-minded people who are pursuing the Kingdom together.
Weekly live worship and exclusive Encounter Rooms create spaces to experience the transformational presence of God.
Stretch your faith and practice walking in supernatural ministry. Learn how to hear God’s voice, pray for healing, and powerfully share the Gospel.
Meet your instructors.
Who’s teaching? Well-known pastors and teachers—like Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton, Dann Farrelly, and more—regularly lead, impart, and instruct students each week. There are over 40 on-campus and online Revival Group Pastors and Ministry Leaders from around the world who share regularly with our online students. There is an entire tribe of leaders at Bethel, gifted in unique areas, and we’re excited to share their expertise with you.
Bill Johnson
Cofounder & Senior Leader
Bill is the Senior Leader of Bethel Church, Redding. He serves a growing number of churches that have partnered for revival. This apostolic network has crossed denominational lines in building relationships that enable church leaders to walk in both purity and power.
Kris & Kathy Vallotton
Cofounder & Director
Kris and Kathy Vallotton are the Senior Associate Leaders at Bethel Church in Redding, California.
Kris is a noted prophetic voice worldwide and has served on Bill Johnson’s apostolic team for decades. Kris is cofounder and senior overseer of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM). He’s a sought-after speaker around the world and has written numerous bestselling books. He is founder and president of Moral Revolution, an organization dedicated to cultural transformation. Kris also heads up the annual School of the Prophets. In his free time, Kris loves being sent to his wood shop. He can also be found blogging on his popular site Kris Vallotton: Raw, Real & Relevant.
Kathy is a Senior Overseer and Administrator of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry and WorshipU on campus. Kathy’s an anointed worship leader and assists with the training of the worship teams at WorshipU. Her practical wisdom and prophetic insight combine to give her a unique and profound ministry. In her free time, Kathy loves to ride horses, hunt and bass fish.
Kris and Kathy have been happily married since 1975 and have four children and nine grandchildren.
Dann & Christie Farrelly
Dann Farrelly has been on staff at Bethel Redding since 1992. Dann is Associate Pastor of Bethel Redding and Dean of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM). Dann’s a graduate of Simpson College, and he holds a master’s degree in divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary. Dann’s uniquely gifted to bring rich insights from the Word of God with wit, humor and great anointing. Often you can find his desk covered in books. Dann is married to Christie and they have three children.
Steve & Ruth Moore
Senior Overseers of BSSM Online
Steve and Ruth are the Senior Overseers of BSSM Online and School Planting. Steve and Ruth travel and speak at various churches and organizations, and are passionate about equipping the body of Christ to live naturally supernatural. They have a huge heart for cultivating healthy families, activating leaders, and carrying hope.
Ruth is originally from the south of England and Steve is from Ohio. They first met at BSSM and now have two children – Hannah & Jack. Ruth has a First-Class Honors Degree in Psychology from the University of Bath, and Steve has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Anderson University. The Moore’s favorite things to do are spend time as a family and they love going on beach holidays.
Libby Gordon
Associate Overseer of BSSM Online
Libby is devoted to a life of intimacy with God. After a radical encounter with God as a teenager, she entered ministry at nineteen years old. Libby and her husband, Richard, along with their children, Moses and Ella, have chosen a model of ministry that they recognized in Jesus – vulnerability and moving in power are inseparable. This lifestyle has sparked and sustains the miraculous in their lives and those they lead. Raised in South Africa, working in church, academia, and business realms, they moved to Redding, CA. Libby and Richard were honored to both receive the M. Earl Johnson award during their time at BSSM. Libby’s heart is to raise up a generation who make known the reality of God in every life and land.
Richard Gordon
Associate Overseer of BSSM Online
Richard Gordon was raised in South Africa where he married his beautiful wife, Libby, and completed his BSc in Computer Engineering and MSc in Electronic Engineering. He has had the privilege of working alongside some of the world’s best tech companies. Richard and his wife work together at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry Online (BSSMO). Richard is also the Spiritual Director over the Bethel School of Technology. His dream is to raise up world-changers and influencers like Daniel who will shape and shift culture, encountering and ushering in the presence of God wherever they go. He comes alive, igniting the potential in people around him and seeing the Glory of God move across the earth!
What You’ll Get
BSSM Online is designed to work around your schedule. Our First Year online program can be taken at the same pace as our on-campus students in 9-months (Full-Time), or at a shorter weekly time commitment spread out over a longer period of time (Part-Time). It’s the same curriculum, crafted to work around your availability.
Full-Time20-22 HRS/WEEK |
Part-Time11-12 HRS/WEEK |
Focus on His presence and experience what it feels like to “be in the room” and worship corporately with the rest of the BSSM student body
Be known and grow alongside 30-35 fellow students, with intentional leadership from your Revival Group Pastor and Student Mentors
Directly following Revival Group, break out into small groups for a time of connection and activation led by Student Mentors
Learn from BSSM Leaders with teachings, Q&A’s and real-time interaction led by Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton and others in the Bethel environment
A curriculum of well-rounded Bible classes and interactive ministry trainings will activate you to live out what you learn each week
Assigned reading of the Bible and selected books will encourage you while covering topics like revival, emotional health, and spiritual disciplines
Exclusive staff teaching sessions; time to Encounter Holy Spirit through both receiving personal ministry, and ministering to your fellow classmates
Make an impact and serve in your local community on a consistent basis, with the guidance and encouragement of your BSSM leaders
Hear Bethel Staff and Leaders share on the specific areas of their expertise, from topics such as spiritual gifts, business, family, creativity etc.
Total Tuition: $5,250
Attend BSSM Online for 20-22 hours per week, and complete the First Year program in 9 months, a similar timeline to our on-campus school.
Total Tuition: $5,250
Attend BSSM Online for 11-12 hours per week, and beginning Winter 2024 graduate in as little as 16 consecutive months. BSSM Online part-time has two start dates, in January, and September.
Click here to speak with an Advisor for more details regarding your payment plan options and finance deadlines.
Have questions?
Our team, who happen to be BSSM graduates, would love to help!
Simply fill out the form and we’ll be in touch to schedule a phone call.
Speak with an advisorGet a head-start and dive in today.
Knowing your identity as a child of God is the best foundation for your life. At BSSM, you will walk through an intentional school designed to help you step into true Kingdom identity and authority. Download this free e-book of the bestseller, The Supernatural Ways of Royalty, by our Cofounder and Director, Kris Vallotton, to experience just one of the many powerful resources in the BSSM curriculum.
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