
The atmosphere of the school is built around the presence of God. An entire culture is lived out day after day with worship as a primary expression. Passion, purity, power and love of the presence of God are center stage. These values define our atmosphere and are manifest in our worship, ministry and relationships.


BSSM is a Holy Spirit-driven ministry school where students learn how to live in the Kingdom of God and extend its borders through a supernatural lifestyle. Everything is connected to the presence of God. We experience his presence when we gather together, and we learn that his presence follows us everywhere we go as we are transformed to be aware of it.


Though many young people attend BSSM, the school is multi-generational with participants ranging in age from 18 to 80 and many students who come have had years of educational, ministry or professional experience.  One of Bethel’s core values is honor, and one way this happens is through joining the generations together and teaching every age group to value and serve one another.


People often come to the school because they want to see the miracles, but those who stay for 2nd and 3rd year stay because of the culture and the atmosphere. They want to learn how to sustain and maintain what God has impacted their life and family with and to cultivate a momentum that releases it wherever they go.